Returns handle to active symbol definition. ActSymDef : HANDLE; Returns visibility status of layer connected to h. GetLVis(h : Handle) : INTEGER; Returns the current fill background color in the variable parameters Red,Green,Blue FFillBack(Var Red,Green,Blue : LONGINT); Returns the current fill foreground color in the variable parameters Red,Green,Blue FFillFore(Var Red,Green,Blue : LONGINT); Returns the current pen background color in the variable parameters Red,Green,Blue FPenBack(Var Red,Green,Blue : LONGINT); Returns the current pen foreground color in the variable parameters Red,Green,Blue FPenFore(Var Red,Green,Blue : LONGINT); Returns the current fill pattern settings for the graphic pen FPenPat : INTEGER; Returns the current pen size settings in mils FPenSize : INTEGER; Returns the current fill pattern settings FFillPat : INTEGER; Returns the current arrow head settings FArrowHead : INTEGER; Returns the current origin location relative to the center of the page GetOrigin(VAR X,Y : REAL); Returns the object class stored in the object class list specified by Index ClassList(Index : INTEGER;) : STRING; Returns the number of classes in the current active drawing ClassNum : INTEGER; Returns the object name stored in the object name list specified by Index NameList(Index : INTEGER) : STRING; Returns the number of names in the current active drawing NameNum : INTEGER; Returns the current number of symbols in the library of the active drawing SymDefNum : INTEGER; Returns the current number of layers in the active drawing NumLayers : INTEGER; Returns the current file name of the active drawing GetFName : STRING;